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review For Christos Prossylis (b. 1969), the medium of Net Art is not merely another means by which the aesthetic debts and rules of earlier art forms can be recorded. What is often observed in these new situations is a simple transfer of the data from analogue world to the digital, in the same way that pictorialism transferred the elements of painting to photo-mechanical means when the medium of photography was in its early stages. Through the web site that he was able to secure, www.culturalolympics.com, Prossylis attempts to democratize the medium. The artist sets the frame work so that whoever visits the website can make his own, essential contribution to the whole procedure. He is able to participate freely by uploading texts, thoughts and images, onto the part of global village, emotionally charged with the original spirit of the Olympic Games. Using the same means that a performance artist employs in creating of the frame work in which the performers, without whom there can be no work of art, participate, here the virtual world is simply an immerse construction, the objective of which is to permit (and encourage) the maximum possible polyphony and participation. Thanasis Moutsopoulos
Catalogue of the 'far near centre- twelve positions in contemporary Greek art' Exhibition at the European Patent Office, Munich, Germany (23 June - 3 September, 2004)
Copyright © 2000-2011: Christos Prossylis
projects Far-Near-Centre: Twelve Positions in contemporary Greek art links